Published on May 18, 2022

Down the Rabbit Hole: Carv

Author: Sidharth
icon-alt9 Mins
Down the Rabbit Hole: Carv

Carv is a DAO aiming the creation of a user-owned gaming identity to allow achievement display, the discovery of games and friends, direct monetization, and mobility.

Every day, new Web3 games release in the global Web3 space, and many are on their way. Mainstream game developers embrace NFTs and cryptocurrencies as the popularity of their GameFi model grows.

However, there are also several obstacles for all parties involved in this new game paradigm. To begin, each game is its ecology. There is no common understanding of the player's identity, successes, activities, interests, or contributions to the community.

For this, Carv has designed a credential issuing system, the 'Carv Protocol,' to connect the layers of Web3 games with users' authorization.

Users get access to a dashboard with detailed game statistics, leaderboards, unified scores, and sophisticated insights and recommendations on this protocol.


The following are the advantages of the 'Carv Protocol':

  • For Users: Users can access a single credential dashboard to review their successes in Web3 gaming and unlock credential-based rewards across the games. Furthermore, these dashboards will be linked to other social spaces, allowing users to socialize with their credentials.
  • For Developers: Game developers can use the 'Carv Protocol' accomplishment APIs to create a progression path for players and award them NFT badges to increase retention. They can also target more users to participate in campaigns and INOs, and develop more sustainable communities.
  • Guilds: Guilds will be able to select scholars as per their previous performance in various games with various guilds, which will improve the accuracy and fairness of the selection process. Furthermore, with tangible proof of cumulative success, players will be motivated to create their best' resume,' which they can use to earn bonuses across games. Guilds will also help maximize their earnings.

What all does Carv aim for you?

Every gamer will have their own gaming identity, allowing for direct monetization, game discovery, socialization, and cross-platform compatibility.

Carv founding contributors are undertaking the following activities:


  • With users' permission, capture, analyze, and integrate data on and off-chain
  • Credentialing algorithm, semantics, and aesthetics
  • Credential endpoint for linked games to include Credentials as verifiable claims


  • Creating a credential/achievement dashboard
  • On, Carv is working on the INO and scholarship user interfaces
  • Creating INO launch and co-marketing events in collaboration with new and established games
  • Creating the Carv ID system and the Carv XP algorithms that go with it
  • Integrating Carv ID with other data sources such as Discord, Twitter, and others
  • Developing smart contracts for a secure and efficient scholarship matching


  • Setting up a treasury and obtaining NFT game assets for scholarship purposes
  • Initial DAO contributor recruitment
  • Creating a procedure for decentralized decision-making
  • Reward programs that encourage community participation
  • collaborating and investing in high-quality Web3 games
  • Creating Sub-DAOs


  • Acquisition of new gamers and game asset owners
  • Keeping a thriving community alive through the community program
  • Carv IDs are being promoted for use across the metaverse
  • Assisting other gamers in improving their gaming abilities
  • Developing ecosystem-wide collaborations
  • Publishing instructive and high-quality content

Carv Ecosystem

The Carv ecosystem consists of the following:

Carv Protocol

Carv Protocol is a multi-address data aggregation protocol that creates users' gaming credentials across multiple chains.

Credentials are created by combining, analyzing, and interpreting data from several sources. It contains elements such as:

  • The credential engine indexes fragmented data into a common credential system, and Carv creates data pipelines to aggregate data from on or off-chain sources.
  • Carv ID is a global gamer ID that allows credential consolidation across several wallets and chains. Instead of having personal data sold without their consent, the ID holders can opt to release only the facts they are prepared to share.
  • DID middlewares will be available to expand Carv ID's capabilities, such as awarding verified diplomas and logging into partner games.
  • Developers will be given credential APIs and SDKs for contributing to the protocol.

The following are some examples of data sources:

  • Carv Protocol aggregates on-chain data from several wallets across various blockchains (assets, trades, staking, breeding, prize claiming, and so on).
  • Game developers can use simple API calls to feed in-game, off-chain stats and achievements to Carv Protocol.
  • Bots and pipelines will be developed to assess players' contributions to communities fairly.
  • More...

Carv is a Carv Protocol-based value exchange platform for the following activities:

  • Dashboard for Carv: A unified scoring and level system accurately reflect a player's rarity across games. Users can also examine cross-chain Web3 game assets, profits, accomplishments, community participation, etc., in the dashboard. When users complete particular achievements approved by Carv or game creators, they can receive badges, trophies, or degrees to unlock even more prizes and bonuses.
  • Claim for NFT Badge: Qualified players can claim NFT badges as their achievement proof through events organized by game developers. The developers will be able to reward existing gamers and attract new users with this feature set.
  • Initial NFT Offering (INO): Games that have partnered with Carv can debut their INOs on the platform. Carvers who satisfy certain criteria can join a whitelist for early access at a discounted rate.
  • Scholarships: It will be available as part of a free marketplace on the app. All qualifying participants have access to the NFT treasury. Smart contracts and in-game connections with partners will make it easier to earn assets safely.
  • Level-Up Perks: Carv IDs keep track of players' activities on the platform, including assets, in-game contributions, DAO credentials, and community activity. These records will be used in the Carv ecosystem to produce a weighted ranking and redeemable for NFT badges, prizes, and $ARC tokens.


DAO is Carv's beating heart. The structure is designed based on decentralized decision-making and a paradigm that encourages inclusive growth. The DAO will be organized in layers to consider many viewpoints while retaining efficiency.


Smart bots will be designed to record the contribution and reputation of users in an unbiased manner across Discord, Facebook, and Telegram. The first Level-Up community programs will be created to keep the community active and growing. Meanwhile, the DAO will agree to update the programs and rules regularly.

Accessing Carv

To start accessing Carv as a user, follow the given steps:

  • First and foremost, connect your wallet using the button on Carv homepage.
  • Choose Metamask, Wallet Connect, or Coinbase and approve the connection to move further.


  • Now select Marketplace from the top bar. You will be redirected to the next page.
  • Now select INO or Scholarship and click on the respective cards to check more details on how to participate and make a claim.


  • To check out the details regarding ended or live events, select that option from the top bar at the homepage. You will be redirected to the next section.


  • Select the Games option from the top bar to check out the gaming options available with Carv.
  • Suppose you click on 9D NFT from the left section; this is how it will appear.
  • Click on badges or leaderboard to check out the respective details.

Carv's Token Utility

The $ARC Token is the Carv ecosystem's incentive currency. This universal cryptocurrency may be used to allow game developers, guilds, owners of gaming NFT assets, players, and investors to trade value.

The following will be done with the $ARC token:

  • Game creators initiate data queries and award NFT badges to users based on their game achievements.
  • To lure new players using Carv credentials, game developers offer campaigns or events featuring token or NFT drops.
  • Game creators who stake tokens get discounts.
  • INO users get early access to new partnered games at a discounted price.
  • Scholarship recipients get access to uncommon gaming NFT assets
  • Users get access to the events' scarcer resources
  • Users can earn extra Carv XP and convert it to $ARC tokens by initiating new ideas and voting.

There may be more DeFi activities related to the token in the future.

The total number of $ARC tokens will be 1,000,000,000, and they will be available for five years, beginning on October 31st, 2021, at 0:00:00 UTC.

Credential-Driven Use Cases

Carv Dashboard:

  • It's a one-stop-shop for a gamer's multi-chain, multi-wallet data.
  • When users complete particular achievements, they earn trophies, badges, and diplomas, which unlock further benefits and perks!
  • Users can check out and follow great gamers on global and per-game leaderboards.
  • Users can create a single-image analysis of their game's footprint and achievements, which can easily be shared across all social sites.

INO that are Credential-Gated:

Partner games may host INOs on the Carv platform and designate a specified credential level as the whitelist pool's qualification requirement. This ensures that only the best and most active individual players are whitelisted, ensuring the game's long-term viability.

Scholarships that are Credential-Gated:

Guilds can use Carv to grant scholarships and designate certain credential levels as qualification limits. This approach will aid in the selection of high-quality, engaged gamers who will maximize the gaming experience.

Player Retention and Acquisition in One Place:

The Carv Protocol APIs allow game creators to create accomplishment growth routes, update users' achievement status, and assist players via exploring and participating more in their games. They can offer NFTs or token claims to existing players who match certain criteria to encourage retention.

To encourage creating a vibrant community, game developers can launch credential-gated campaigns with the flexibility to choose engaged individuals versus speculative users.

System of quests and rewards:

Carv experience points (Carv XP) are earned by completing missions such as daily check-ins, joining social media accounts, participating in INOs and scholarships, and assisting Carv's or linked projects' growth. There will be all-time and seasonal leaderboards for Carv experience points, which may be rewarded with badges and redeemed for additional bonuses and a possible $ARC airdrop.


DAO participants will own parts of Carv. The DAO's ownership is determined by the $ARC token's ownership and reputation mechanism.

Carv experience points (Carv XP) is designed to redeem $ARC at a convex dividend rate, meaning users with more Carv XP receive a disproportionately bigger share of each dividend. A convex rate pays users who have been active in the system for a long time, incentivizing them to keep their position.

Any $ARC token owner with a level of experience of 6 or higher can submit proposals and cast votes on the platform.

The following are the goals of the Carv DAO:

  • Encourage the Carv community to keep growing.
  • Set a soft floor price for $ARC tokens.
  • Treasury conservation in Carv decentralize decision-making and voting power even further.
  • SubDAOs and subDAO tokens should receive support and initiatives, and subDAOs should be more decentralized.

To create proposals and vote, Carv DAO uses Snapshot. It allows organizations to choose how voting power is measured and offers a variety of voting styles to meet their needs.


SubDAOs are created to support specialized services and activities, like Event DAO, Venture DAO, Web3 gaming scholarship, etc. The $ARC treasury acquire, temporarily stores, and manages assets in the subDAO using a (multisig) hardware wallet to maintain security.

SubDAO tokens can then be issued and distributed to the community. Holders of subDAO tokens can submit suggestions and vote on subDAO mechanics. The goal is to encourage people to place their assets under treasury management so they can have a say in decisions. This will allow community members who own subDAO tokens to profit from the assets and returns generated by their productive game participation.

In general, the subDAO's aims are as follows:

  • Encourage the growth of the subDAO community.
  • Conserve and maximize the value of subDAO assets and earnings.
  • Tokenize certain subDAOs to increase the decentralized voting power
  • To acquire more support and growth, develop ambassadors and leaders to interact with other subDAOs and the main DAO.


Each Carv DAO or subDAO vault will function as a token incentive scheme for specific behaviors. $ARC token holders can stake in various vaults for specific lock-in periods and annualized rewards yields based on the activities they have more faith in.

Scholarships, Treasury NFT collecting, venture capitalist, event hosting, social, and other vaults will be available.

Community Programs

Carv has initially designed a seven-level leveling system. Each level in the system grants members different rights and perks in the ecosystem and more rewards in the form of tokens and exclusive trophies, NFTs, and diplomas.

The following activities will be rewarded with Carv Experience Points (Carv XP):

  • On, new registration and retention
  • Data contribution to users' profiling
  • In Discord channels, interactions with the community
  • Carv DAO contribution
  • Promoting Carv and referring additional people to the platform and community
  • Taking part in INOs and scholarship activities such as lending and borrowing
  • Investing in $ARC tokens
  • More to follow.

There are a variety of alternative ways for the community to participate and the leveling up system for redeeming $ARC tokens.

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