Published on Jul 10, 2023

Monthly Updates: June 2023

Author: Parag
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Monthly Updates: June 2023

We've made it halfway to 2023. What a year it's been so far! Our team has already accomplished so much and hit many milestones! It's always a pleasure to share this success with you all! We are really proud of our product team for releasing so many cool features and fixing and improving the existing platform. Let's go over what's new on the platform since our last update in this blog.

Let's dive in!

Honoring top contributors with "Curator Spotlight"

Curators are the heart and soul of The Dapp List. The platform would just be another web app without them. Our community members, active curators on the platform, are what give us significance. In the past, we highlighted the platform's leading curators in the "Top Curators" area of the homepage. However, during the past several months, the number of active contributors has increased so significantly that we felt the need to create a new section with more contributors.

As a result, we replaced the "Top Contributors" section with the new "Curator Spotlight" on the homepage. The top 50 contributors are highlighted in the new, flashy section, and you may connect with them by visiting their profiles.

Celebrating outstanding projects with "Accolades"

The community has listed over 800 projects until now. Once listed, members explore these projects on the platform. This member engagement decides which projects are the talk of the town in the community.

We decided to award such projects and give them a medal of honor! We are extremely thrilled to announce ‘Accolades’- a new approach to celebrate the most popular projects on the platform. Accolades consider the total votes and likes received within a certain period and rank the top three projects in each category.

Other fixes and improvements

That’s not all! We made some other improvements on the platform as well. Here’s everything else we added, improved, or fixed last month:

  1. [NEW] A subtle hover animation has been added to the platform's header area.
  2. [NEW]: Updated the Avtar library with Avvvtars.
  3. [IMPROV]: Optimized platform APIs and made the voting process more efficient.
  4. [IMPROV]: The 'Connect Wallet' button on mobile devices has been redesigned.
  5. [IMPROV] The newsletter section now features brands and businesses whose employees read our newsletter.
  6. [IMPROV] Subtle UX elements were added to the newsletter area.
  7. [IMPROV]: All modals across the platform now have the same backdrop.
  8. [FIX]: Border issue with the profile photo in the header.
  9. [FIX]: The profile modal closes as the menu opens on mobile devices.

Closing notes

With each new update, we make great efforts to improve our platform. We sincerely hope you enjoy the changes and features we've added to the platform. Do let us know your thoughts about them. We are always open to new ideas, suggestions and improvements!

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