How does Reputation System work in The Dapp List?
Author: Kaushal

At The Dapp List, we always try to bring something new to our community. Whether it may be a full-blown feature or improvements to an existing one, our team is constantly working to make TDL a friendly, engaging, and fun community.
One of the many features we worked on for the past couple of months is now ready to ship. The feature might be out for you to see by yourself when you read this. We are talking about how the XP system works in The Dapp List!
The XP-based reward system has existed in the community for a long time. But we are introducing some new changes in how XP can be earned and what users can do with their XP. In today’s article, let’s discuss the same.
The XP System So Far
As you know, the XP system has been a part of our community for a long time. Everyone who hunts or votes for a project on TDL is awarded a certain XP. The more XP you have, the more your reputation is in the community.
If you have XP, what’s their point if you can not flex them? Our Leaderboard page showcased contributors with the highest numbers of XP.

Unlike the previous system, the new XP mechanisms will allow you to do more things than flexing your name on the leaderboard.
What’s in it For You?
The more XP you gain in the TDL community, the more reputation you will have. This is a simple return gift from our team for being an active contributor to the community. Members with the highest reputation will be displayed on the leaderboard, along with their XPs and the number of hunted projects.
Your position on the leaderboard will keep changing, and you might lose your top position. You need something that will showcase your achievements forever. Allow us to introduce badges!
When you earn certain numbers of XP, your profile will be rewarded with a badge. This badge will stick to your profile forever, even if you burn your XP (more on this later). And there are many checkpoints, every checkpoint having a new badge!
Minting NFTs
Yes, you read it right! Once you earn 2000 XP reward points in our community, you can burn those and mint a new NFT. This NFT could be traded in other markets and stored in your wallet — just like any other NFT you own.
Once you burn your XP, you have to start all over again. 2000 XP will be deducted from your account once the NFT is minted. There is no limit to the number of NFTs you can mint. You can keep earning 2000 XPs and keep minting new NFTs.
Fortunately, your reputation in the community remains the same even if you start from zero. The badges you are rewarded with are untouched in your account as well. Badges will help profile visitors to know your true potential as well as your contribution to the community.
How to Earn XP
If you are excited by the benefits of earning XP, let’s understand how you can earn XP in The Dapp List community.
Hunt and Vote
This is the classic way to earn more XP. There is a high chance that you are doing this already. If you don’t, here’s how it works: The core of The Dapp List is hunting new projects in the community and voting for the hunted once. When you do either of them, you get rewarded with XP.
Many quests are happening throughout our community all the time. Quests are simple and fun activities to do and stay active on our platform. For instance, logging in to the website daily, giving feedback on the latest changes, and so on.
Quests are happening regularly on our platform. While surfing the website, you would find a button or link that asks you to do a little thing: like saying GM. On completion, you will be rewarded XP.
Another option to gain XP is participating in the many activities we host on our platform. Attending Web3 1:1 Talkshows on Twitter, participating in the Bored Dev Chat Club on Discord, and engaging in Telegram AMAs are some ways to earn XP. These events focus on current things happening in the TDL community and learning about the web3 ecosystem.
We provide Proof of Attendance (POAP) to attendees while these events are active. People can earn 10XP when they submit their collected POAP.
These events are announced on our Discord server and Twitter. If you miss any event, you can hop on to our YouTube and Spotify, where we upload our podcasts and recorded events.
Wrapping Up
Our team’s consistent efforts and your endless support make it possible for us to ship new features to the community. We eagerly await you all to play around with the new XP system and tell us about your feedback. Connect with us on Discord, Telegram, or Twitter to share your thoughts.
Until then, happy gaining XP! 🎮

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