Published on Jan 9, 2023

The Dapp List Monthly Update: December 2022

Author: Kaushal
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The Dapp List Monthly Update: December 2022

Before we begin, we wish you all a Happy New Year!

2022 has been a magnificent year for us. We achieved so many milestones and great success. The last month was no different.

Despite being busy with Breakfast with Builders and holidays, we released some dope new features to the platform. Let’s start with the coolest one, sub-categories.

Introducing: Sub-categories

Discovering new projects is a rabbit hole in itself. There is a plethora of categories to search for. Looking for what you need and where your interests lie is a time-consuming task to do.

Introducing, sub-categories! Now search within your areas of interest and precisely explore projects of your niche. We have more than 50 sub-categories to filter out projects. You can still filter them by a chain if you want to dive even deeper.

What are you waiting for? Head over to the platform and start finding your next favorite page!

Connecting Wallets Made Simpler

Many community members were facing difficulties in connecting to their wallets from smartphones. We realized the severity of the problem and the inconvenience members were facing.

Hence, we integrated RainbowKit into our platform. RainbowKit provides a fast and easy way to connect to your wallets without any friction. Now connecting to your wallet is easier, smoother, and more efficient.

Vote From the Home Page

Previously you could only vote for projects from the list page. We realized this creates a barrier between new members and hunted projects. The new update displays projects that are up for voting on the Home page itself.

When members start surfing on the platform, they will instantly see a list of projects they can vote for and an option to vote for them.

For the Bug hunters and Feature-finders

If you enjoy delving into the technical side of things, you will love to hear this.

We have created a portal where you can directly submit a feature request or a bug. You don’t need to log in, connect your wallet or stake any amount. You only need to briefly explain the cause and add a photo to strengthen your claim.

Share Blogs Easily

We publish numerous blogs on our blog. We have a series about Web3 basics that dives deep into a particular topic and explores its rabbit holes. Also, we maintain a glossary of commonly used Web3 terms. And not to mention our product updates (You are reading one rn!).

Previously, you could not share our blogs with anyone outside the platform. You had to copy the link from the URL and share it with your buddies. It’s a nerd way, for sure, but why not make it better?

The new update makes it possible to share a blog on your Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Telegram. If you want to share it outside these platforms, you can copy the provided link and use it further!

Wrapping Up

These were the major changes we made in December. We are working on bringing more updates and fixes that you will surely enjoy.

Do let us know what you think about the platform. If you have any suggestions to make, feel free to do so. We are always listening to your feedback.

Say hi on Twitter or join our community to connect with us. We are waiting.

Until the next update! 🦉

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