Year in a Review — The Dapp List
Author: Nirbhik

And it’s a wrap for another beautiful year!
The past year has been a monumental year for The Dapp List. From launching the Buidl Launchpad to hosting our first Breakfast with Builders, we hit many milestones in 2022.
This blog reviews our remarkable moments from the year.
We made enormous changes to the platform. It will be a prolonged essay if we mention each and everything. So here are the major updates we introduced this year.

The major update from the technical perspective is we revamped our entire platform! The platform underwent a massive change in both design and technical grounds. We established a design system, improved performance, enhanced the website’s overall experience, and more!
We revamped the entire homepage and redesigned the header. The user can navigate through everything happening in the community from the homepage itself. Recently introduced breadcrumbs allow faster and more efficient navigations in the platform.
Profile pages
The profile pages for individual projects and users were also redesigned.
The project profile page includes more information about an individual project. In recent updates, we added a team member’s tab that displays the names and socials of major contributors to the project. The interface for viewing and navigating images has also become easier to interact with. Projects launched with Buidl Launchpad have a special badge.

The user profile page displays your community contribution and showcases a list of projects you hunted or voted for.
Users can filter contributors based on their contributions — hunting and voting. Either way, the top three contributors from all three categories (hunting, voting, and both) will be rewarded with a special badge to show off their hard work.

Curation Flow
The previous process of hunting a project took a lot of work. The revamped version removed all complexities from the process. Hunting a new project is split into sections for better understanding. And voting is possible even from the home page.

Improvements in Search
There are significant changes in the search system as well. Now you can even search for contributors along with projects. Similarly, you can add filters to search results to find projects of your interest.
Recently, we introduced sub-categories on our platform. Sub-categories make it easier to narrow your search and explore projects of a particular niche.
Improvements in XP System
Contributors should be rewarded for their contribution to the community, right? Of course!
The reputation system (XP) was already a part of the platform since the beginning. But we wanted to enhance it. We introduced another banger to the community shortly after we revamped the website.
The new system gives reputation points to the contributor for adding value to the community. This includes hunting or curating a new project, suggesting changes in an existing one, and reporting it. These points can later be burned for minting NFTs.

Connecting to the platform is now easier
Many members were facing difficulties while connecting to their wallets on smartphones. We integrated RainbowKit into our platform to smoothly connect your wallets and start with voting on exciting projects.
RainbowKit provides a hassle-free experience to connect wallets regardless of users’ device or bandwidth.
Launched Projects
We announced Buidl Launchpad on May 14. Buidl is a launchpad for Web3 projects to provide them with delivery and distribution.
Builders are putting enormous efforts into building and looking for exposure for their projects, and the community is looking for new projects every day. But navigating through the ecosystem takes work. We connect them through Buidl to solve these issues.

In eight months, we launched 20 projects through Launchpad. For every project, we hosted a Twitter space, a Q&A session on Telegram, and a chat session on Discord to connect more users to their project.
Projects Listed
Curation is the foundational pillar of our platform. How can we refrain from mentioning it in our blog?
In total, 78 hunters hunted 648 projects throughout the year. There were 2635 votes and 3014 likes total for all projects. GoodGhosting became the top-voted project with 20 votes, whereas DFX Finance became the most loved project with 132 likes.
Here’s a brief statistic on project categories got listed on the platform:

Breakfast with Builders
We hosted our first-ever Breakfast with Builders during India Blockchain Week.
As a startup aiming to create web3 adoption, we were keen on the IBW and ETHIndia. Hence, we decided to connect with Web3 founders and have an informal discussion.

20 Esteemed builders of web three space came together. They met with each other for a 2- hour session, sharing ideas, their growth stories, what they are doing currently, and their visions of the future over yummy breakfast and coffee at Third wave coffee roasters in Bangalore. It was an invite-only event with a small gathering and amazing talks.

The event was a huge success, and we received a lot of feedback from participants. It was great to see how much energy there is in the industry and how much passion people have for building the future of blockchain. We look forward to organizing this event again next year!
You can read more about the meetup on our blog.
Community Engagement
It’s not just the platform that has seen progress this year. The Dapp List has also made great strides in engaging its community. This has included launching various initiatives to increase user engagement. These initiatives have been successful in bringing more users to the platform, which has, in turn, encouraged further development.
We have also been active in engaging the wider Web3 community. This includes participating in various industry events, such as meetups and hackathons. By doing so, we have strengthened its ties with the broader Web3 ecosystem.
The community is mainly active on Discord and Telegram. 1079 members became part of the community. We host Bored Dev Chat Club on Discord and a Q&A session on Telegram with every BUIDL launch. This year, we hosted 20 sessions of each respectively. Other than that, we hosted nine community calls and cached up with everyone.
Looking Ahead
While The Dapp List has come a long way, much more must be done. The company has outlined plans for the coming year, including launching new products and services and continuing to build upon the platform. With the new year approaching, we are poised to make even more progress in 2023. We have tons of exciting plans for the next year. There will be more meetups, community calls, product updates, and exciting features!

And finally, we thank you for being a wonderful community member and being with us!
Until then, happy holidays! 🦉

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